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I have been the course director for classes in the MSc Finance program at the Stockholm School of Economics:


  • MSc Asset Pricing and Investments (since Fall 2023)
    An MSc Finance core course introducing students to modern portfolio theory and asset pricing

  • MSc Empirical Methods (since Fall 2024; joint with Gualtiero Azzalini)
    An MSc Finance core course where my part introduces students to causal inference methods (e.g., diff-in-diff) and machine learning methods (e.g., random forests)


I was a Teaching Assistant for MBA and MFE courses at UCLA Anderson School of Management:

  • MFE Statistical Arbitrage (Fall 2020 - 2022; instructor: Prof. Valentin Haddad)
    An MFE elective on quantitative market-neutral equity strategies: from high-frequency trading to long-horizon strategies

  • MFE Advanced Stochastic Calculus (Fall 2019 and 2020; instructor: Prof. Stavros Panageas)
    An advanced MFE course on modern asset pricing theory

  • MFE Financial Risk Measurement and Management (Spring 2019 - 2022; instructor: Prof. Valentin Haddad)
    An MFE course introducing modern frameworks and techniques to identify, measure and manage financial risk

  • MBA Foundations of Finance (Winter 2022; instructor: Prof. David Wessels)
    An MBA course focusing on core principles of managerial finance

  • MBA Corporate Finance (Winter 2019; instructor: Prof. Antonio Bernardo)
    An MBA course devoted to corporate financial policies, especially corporate investment and optimal capital structure


During my time in Vienna, I was a Teaching Assistant for graduate-level courses at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU):

  • Statistics (Fall 2016; instructor: Prof. Kurt Hornik)
    An introduction to numerical methods, data management, and visualization in R

  • Microeconomics (Spring 2017; instructor: Prof. Alexander Mürmann)
    A graduate-level introduction to Microeconomic theory: consumer theory, competitive equilibrium, and choice under uncertainty

© 2024 by Paul Huebner

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